Cardio, Core and Calm

Rob Glick
Year Released: 2004

Categories: Floor Aerobics/Hi-Lo/Dance

A winner! I knew I would like this as soon as the warmup started. The very first move is really fun, as well as the rest of the warmup, and the warmup song is the same as the first song in Christi Taylor’s Hi/Lo Heaven, which makes me happy every time I hear it. There are 3 combos with advanced choreography and the overall intensity is intermediate. Rob’s breakdown and cueing are great. He is easy to follow in this workout if you can follow Christi. Actually, I wonder if he’s been taking lessons from her. :) I did find the last combo a little confusing. All the moves in the third combo are side-to-side, and I was stumbling in my efforts to remember which move I was supposed to be doing. But it was still fun. The cardio section is 34 minutes including the warmup and cooldown, and then there is a 10-minute core section, and finally an 8-minute stretch. The core section is fantastic! He starts you off pretty easy, but then he fools you with some really tough core work. You really get a workout in just 10 minutes. The ending stretch is very nice. Grade A+!

Instructor Comments:

Annie S.
