Attitude Ballet & Pilates Fusion

Bernadette Giorgi
Year Released: 2007

Categories: Ballet/Barre, Pilates/Core Strength

I ordered Attitude Ballet & Pilates from the instructor's web site, on Fri., Aug 17 and received it in the mail Wed., Aug 22. It was $19.99 for the DVD, there was no shipping charge and I was able to pay by paypal. According to info on the site and on the DVD, part of the proceeds get donated to breast cancer organizations. The DVD is very well chaptered. The main menu is broken down into an introduction, form pointers, workout 1, workout 2, premixes and credits. Workout 1 is chaptered by an intro, warm up, centre barre, centre with ball, mat work, and a stretch and is 40 minutes long. Workout 2 is chaptered by an intro, warm up, centre barre, centre with ball, mat work, and a stretch and is 38 minutes long. There are four premixes: Attitude Barre - 37.40 minutes, Attitude Ball - 24.10 minutes, Attitude Mat - 31 minutes, and Attitude Advanced - 68 minutes. I previewed the form pointers from the main menu, where she names various ballet & pilates positions while one of the women demonstrates them - this is good for anyone like me who doesn't know much about ballet or pilates. I don't think there was any music during the form pointers. She recommends doing workout 1 3x per week for 12 weeks, then moving on to workout 2. Next I previewed workout 1. The background music was soft and calming and Bernadette's voice was pleasant and well modulated. The lighting was good and the workout space appeared clean and visually appealing. The exercisers consisted of Bernadette and five other women who seemed to be regular people, not fitness models. Everyone was dressed in pink & black. The first part of the workout consisted of standing ballet work, I think she said you could use a chair or a bar if you wanted, but no one was demonstrating this. Next they moved to standing work using a 2 lb weighted ball. She mentioned that you can use no weight or a dumbbell if you don't have a ball; she recommended not going over 5 lbs no matter what you use. During this part they did plies, squats with bicep curls, lunges with tricep work and some balancing moves which she referred to as a yoga & pilates warrior move. Next came pilates mat work - some moves used the ball and some did not. After that was finished, there was a brief stretch. In between each section of the workout, little motivational sayings popped up for just a second. I haven't had a chance to look at workout 2 yet. I assume the premixes are made up of parts of workouts 1 & 2, but I haven't looked at them yet either. I've never tried a ballet workout before and my pilates experience has been pretty limited, so I can't really make comparisons between this and any similar workouts. I will say that, on preview, there was nothing that annoyed me and the ball work actually held my interest, so I think I will get use out of this. There was a note in the package that said she will be going into production for two new workouts in January.

In glancing at the back of the DVD cover, I noticed that the person credited with the cover art appears to be the same person who posted the August 18 review of this workout on the VF Reviews page.
I personally have no connection to anyone involved with this workout.

Instructor Comments:

