Step-N-Stones II

Gay Gasper
Year Released: 1998

Categories: Circuit Training (cardio and weights) , Step Aerobics

I loved the format of Step n Stones I... But I didn't care for the short step and flashy camera moves! So when I got Step N Stones II in the exchange-I said "Well, Gay does give a good workout -I can overlook the Avia promotion/advertisement."

I was very surprised in what I saw and heard -full club style steps, hip music and hardly any quick camera shots! There are 3 step segments with strength segments between. The first strength is Chest and Back and Gay uses an exertube. She goes through the series 3 times. The second strength section is shoulders-Gay uses exertubes and weights. the third strength section is biceps and triceps-Gay uses exertubes and weights. What's so great about this type of workout is that unlike some videos that have weight-Gay doesn't stop her feet from moving-it's active strength training. Final section is a leg section.

This tape would be great to combo with the first Step n Stones. Maybe you could put together the step sections and then do the strength sections.

Overall-a Fantastic Workout-keep them coming Gay!!

I want a Step n Stones III, IV, V and so on!!!



Instructor Comments:
Smiling, enthusiastic, fit and perfect step form! Gay encourages without sounding "sappy sweet" Her instruction made the tape fly by! Fun! Fun! FUN!!

lesia english
