
Gay Gasper
Year Released: 1997

Categories: Circuit Training (cardio and weights) , Step Aerobics

This is really quite fun! It's a 53-minute circuit workout (including warmup and cooldown), and you alternate between stepping and resistance training. You use both dynabands and hand weights.

I enjoy the stepping choreography a lot. The choreography is intermediate/advanced, and the intensity is higher-intermediate. You do 3 stepping sections alternated with 3 resistance sections. She keeps building on to the step patterns, so you don't have to "start over" each time. That keeps your heart rate up.

The dynaband/weight sections are decent, but not outstanding. Most of it is upper body; the lower body isn't worked too much. Some of the upper body work can be pretty challenging if you use heavy enough weights. I got quite a burn on the shoulders/delt work using 8-lb dumbbells.

There are some special effects thrown in (during the stepping) that I really don't think need to be in an exercise video. They didn't bother me, but I can see where some might have problems with it.

The music is high-energy, motivating, funky- type, which I personally would like to have in ALL videos! That' another reason I enjoy this so much.

I give this tape an A and will do it on days when I need a pick-me-up or just wanna have a good time with the music.

Instructor Comments:
Gay is one of the best, even though we don't see much of her in the video market. She's always enthusiastic and motivating without being too perky, and her cueing is extremely good.

Annie S.
