Bosu Reactive Strength and Power

Gay Gasper
Year Released: 2003

Categories: Bosu and Balance Disks/Boards

I did this video for the first time today and had a blast! The workout is about 52 minutes total and consists of a warm-up, three separate workout sections and a cool down. The warmup is step-inspired and intended to acclimate you to the unstable surface of the BOSU. It's a lot of fun and really got my heartrate up because I'm used to doing step at a much lower height than the BOSU.

The first of the workout sections focuses on lower body and consists of a lot of squat/lunge variations. It ends with some tough glute/hamstring work by using the BOSU dome-side down.

The second section focuses on upper body. Since this was my first time through the workout I used MUCH lighter weights than I normally use. I used 3-lb weights for the rear deltoid work and 5-lbs for everything else. I might try slightly heavier weights next time. I really liked the work using the BOSU dome-side down as a bench. It was similar to using a stability ball, but the bottom of the BOSU supports the next & head much better than a stability ball does.

Gay refers to the third section as "power legs." It is really higher impact cardio with leaps, turn drills and quick lunge switches. I say "higher" impact, because the BOSU absorbs most of the impact for some moves that would be very high impact on a normal step.

The final stretch is done using the BOSU in a variety of ways, e.g., placing your foot against the back of the BOSU to stretch the calf and sitting on top of the dome for a straddle stretch.

All in all, this workout was great fun and I expect to be feeling it tomorrow as well.


Instructor Comments:
Gay is a fun and motivating instructor. It was nice to see Mindy Mylrea as one of her background exercisers too.

