Prevention: Dance It Off!

Jennifer Galardi
Year Released: 2005

Categories: Floor Aerobics/Hi-Lo/Dance

This is admittedly a semi-review based on doing two of the four dance segments only one time through. My level is "perennial restarter," but tending toward advanced beginner, intermediate wo's.

This DVD offers warm up and cool down, and four dance segments: hip-hop, latin, jazz and ballet (tone oriented). Jennifer Galardi instructs, though Julianne Arney has a co-choreographer credit.

The attraction of the workout is a strong fun factor if you enjoy being a living room dancer.

I found the first hip hop segment, to quote Goldilocks, just right--interesting, enough repetition and teaching I followed the steps, but creative enough I felt I was dancin'. The TIFTing (taking it from the top) was tolerable since the learning period was short.

I only previewed the Latin segment. The steps looked fun and accessible.

The jazz segment, which I did, sloppily, didn't feel as quality for me. The faster pace seemed to get ahead of Galardi's increasingly sparse cuing, leaving me confused. The moves were interesting, but I was frustrated by the rush. The instructor said "you'll get it" at least twice, making me feel she'd lost interest in cuing by that time.

I only previewed the ballet-type toning, but it looks like interesting standing leg work.

Note to the knee-troubled: this DVD has some light impact hops in the cardio and some squats beginning the ballet toning section.

In short though, if you're looking for new cool moves, fun dance and variety, you might give this a try.

Susan G.
