Fit Chic: Fashion Your Body With Pilates

Niedra Gabriel
Year Released: 2002

Categories: Pilates/Core Strength

Most of all, I love this one for it's inspirational value! It makes my heart sing! And as you may surmise, the instructor has a whole lot to do with it! Niedra Gabriel was trained under Joseph Pilates protege, Romana Kryzanowski, and it shows! She's a former ballerina and that shows, too!

Tell me and I forget. Show me and I remember. Let me do myself and I understand. The format of this production makes for a most rewarding and effective learning experience. The dvd consists of 2 main sections. The first one presents a 20 minute mat routine with no interruptions and this means no talking. The name of the exercise is simply indicated in the upper right hand corner of the screen. And what a wonderful sequence of exercises Niedra has chosen for us! There are no background participants; only Niedra demonstrating on a lavender mat and with a lavender background. The music is very nice, sometimes classical, other times I heard a synthesizer or soft chanting. Quite lovely, like Niedra’s gracefully flowing form. Just wait until you see her Mermaid! It's the most beautiful Mermaid, I've ever seen! Somehow, someway, Niedra turns even perfunctory moves like the Saw into something beautiful. I especially love the way Niedra weaves in these lovely little stretches at the most opportune times without interfering with the flow. The mat practice flows. Niedra flows. I flow. I feel like I am dancing.

The second section presents the instruction for each exercise. This serves as your pilates primer. Niedra covers purpose, tips and modifications. I love the way she tells you not only how but why in her instruction! Her choice of words is as precise as the exercise she demonstrates. Niedra teaches the following exercises: The Hundred, The Roll-Up, Leg Circles, Rolling Like A Ball, Single Leg Stretch, Double Leg Stretch, Double Straight Leg Stretch, Spine Stretch Forward, The Saw, Open-Leg Rocker, Single Leg Kicks, Double Leg Kicks, Swan Dive, Neck Pull, Spine Twist, Leg Swings, Little Beats, Teaser, Jackknife, Can-Can, Mermaid, Leg Pull Front, Seal, and Crab.

This production is probably most suitable for those who already have caught the pilates bug and are becoming seriously interested in classical pilates. For those who are seeking more depth in their pilates instruction and have patience and persistence in their character, I do believe Niedra will reach them all, beginners and advanced alike! (Beginners please note: The glory of this production is the way it is designed to teach the principle of flowing movement. It does this exceptionally well! However, little or no attention is spent on elementary principles such as breathing.) A beginner may choose to spend more time watching and studying Niedra's demonstration of the matwork in the first section rather than actively participating. Then a beginner can practice the very same exercises, each with its own chapter on the dvd, with Niedra in the second section. More experienced students will likely appreciate an enhanced ability to focus and refine their movement as they practice along with a silent Niedra. The beautifully choreographed sequence of exercises with accompanying music is sure to please and inspire.

Instructor Comments:
I consider Niedra Gabriel to be amongst the finest pilates instructors on tape/dvd! She has over 30 years of international experience in pilates, yoga, dance, choreography and performance. I felt grateful to have this exposure to her!

Norma H.
