How to Get in Shape for Your Wedding

Cathe Friedrich
Year Released: 1996

Categories: Step Aerobics

Though this isn't one of Cathe's most celebrated opuses, I expected better, but now I see why even her fans are trading this away. The concept doesn't bother me; hearing Cathe gush about weddings reminds me of how excited I was as a bride seven years ago. But when the chitchat is about the only thing I enjoy about a video, that's bad news indeed. First you do step ups, over and over. Then V steps over and over. Then L steps ("It's tricky, but you'll get it" she reassures us). Everything is so 1991. I don't mind basic steps if they're put together in creative combos with interesting music (examples: Step & Slide, CIA 6004, Fitness Formula). This tape had me watching the clock. I actually liked the sculpting workout better, minus the floor leg lifts, because Cathe goes slower than usual, and she tones down - somewhat - on the screaming and whooping. Cathe needs to learn that intermediate doesn't have to be boring. I give the sculpting a B, the step a B-.

Sue B
