Pyramid Upper Body

Cathe Friedrich
Year Released: 2002

Categories: Balance/Medicine/Mini/Stability Ball, Upper Body Strength

I wrote that I liked PLB, but I have actually been more pleased with Pyramid Upper Body. In it, Cathe uses the pyramid system, 1 set (x) of 12 reps, 1x10, 1x8, 1x10, 1x12. She performs an upper body workout and then a very challenging ab section using the stability ball.

Cathe also uses a super setting method, designed to fatigue each muscle group very effectively. This works well as most people do not want to be keeping too many pairs of dumbbells on hand (I have 10, much to dh's disgust). She uses a maximum weight of 20lb in the workout. She varies the tempo which is favourable meaning you can put more into a slower movement. However faster movements are woven in - I think this is to prevent you from going too heavy and dropping a weight on yourself - ie. think it is a safety measure in a way.

Here's the breakdown:

Chest: chest flyes, palms facing toes (more delt involvement) then bench press - sensibly Cathe does the flyes 2:2 time and the bench 1:1 (I would have preferred 2:2). Excellent technique and form pointers

Back: pullover, plus deadrows. Cathe does the pullovers 2:2 and some sets of the rows single time and some a lot slower. She reminds us to go slower with a heavier weight. I love pullovers - a good opportunity to engage the core, retract shoulder blades and keep hips still. Cathe performs the deadrows well and offers modifications.

Shoulders: giant set of reverse flyes, lateral raises, front raise. A lot of these done in single time some in double time. I used very small increments of weight in order to keep my form perfect - something to consider.

Triceps - kick backs followed by overhead extension. She demonstrates good technique for the kickbacks and gives good form pointers (eg reduce momentum by returning to a 90 degree angle etc). She performs the overhead extensions nicely but could comment on not bringing the dumbbell down too far and hyperextending at the elbows.
Uses varying speeds. :)

Biceps - the killer! Cathe mentions that she is having an out of body experience when doing these and I heartily agree with her. I would have been happy just to do three sets as it's a small muscle group. The exercises are hammer curls and traditional bicep curls done in 2:2 time. Worth doing all the reps just to see Cathe and co complaining!

Ab work - a challenging segment using the stabilty ball. Exercises include a modified pilates roll up/sit up with the ball, a reverse plank with roll in and a pike.
These exercises are definitely advanced and I believe that you need to master the pilates roll up and be able to do a reverse plank (hands on ground, feet on ball) before trying these exercises out. Cathe also does these exercises too fast in my opinion, even though her technique is good. She could give more modifications and explanation here. To master these exercises work on the pilates roll up (and focus on using the spine, not the hip flexors, as Cathe and crew do when rolling up) and the reverse plank. Slow down the leg roll in and focus on keeping the glutes squeezed and the hips lifted and still.

A+ for upper body segment. Touchdown!
B for the abs (too advanced for most, but doable with instruction)

Instructor Comments:
In this workout Cathe is very professional and offers lots of form pointers. A+ for attention to detail.

Liz N
