Hit the Spot Abs

Denise Austin
Year Released: 2000

Categories: Abs/Core

Abs is an excellent video. The exercises are challenging (for me as a beginner anyways) and I especially liked segment 2. It promises results in 3-6 weeks if done every other day. I've done it everyday for 2 days (that's how long I've had it) The scenery is beautiful. I enjoy this video, and I usually hate exercise!

Instructor Comments:
I have 2 of Denise Austin's tapes, one from the 80's and one from the 90's. I think with age she has matured as an instructor. She is a bit too perky at times, but I enjoy her inspirational words and her workouts seem to not take long at all. I've read the negative comments about her, and I see your points, but for me, Denise Austin is the main person I exercise to. I can't wait to buy more of her videos!

Stephanie Mojica
