Drill Max

Cathe Friedrich
Year Released: 2006

Categories: Circuit Training (cardio and weights)

Drill Max is a few new video from Cathe, clocking in a little over an hour. She starts you off with a fun warm up and then kicks up the intensity in the warm up. After that there are 6 drills which include cardio, a leg cardio section and upper body. Cathe uses 5 and 10 pound weights, a mat and a stability ball. There is a lot of variety in this workout. The drills move quickly and are somewhat challenging and get your heartrate up. The weight work is cardio based so your heart rate is elevated for most of the workout. The music is awesome - as is all the new music in her new series. Drill Max isnt the hardest she has put out, but its very fun and has a ton of variety. Definately a keeper on days where I want variety.

Instructor Comments:
Excellent instructor- always upbeat and ready to challenge you. her cueing is excellent and her workouts are always a blast.

