Cardio & Weights

Cathe Friedrich
Year Released: 2002

Categories: Circuit Training (cardio and weights) , Step Aerobics

Others have broken down the video nicely, so I'll just give my impressions. I'm a huge Cathe fan and an advanced exerciser, if anyone cares.

As mentioned before, Cardio & Weights consists of cycles of cardio, compound movements and then a heavy weight exercise. Overall, I liked the idea of this workout but the reality was harder than it looked.

What I found difficult was going from a dead stop (as in lying tricp extensions) to all-out cardio. My heartrate would go from 100 bpm to 150 in very little time and I found that exhausting to keep up with. It may be that I'm not used to this type of workout, but going from one extreme to the other left me worn out. By the end I was struggling to finish. The DVD version offers a pre-mixed version with the cardio segments together, which is a nice option and one I'll probably try in future workouts.

Instructor Comments:
I love Cathe in this series--she seems bubbly and energetic (without being annoying).

