Pure Strength Vol. 3: Back, Biceps, Abs

Cathe Friedrich
Year Released: 1999

Categories: Upper Body Strength

Back, Biceps & Abs is another winner in Cathe Friedrich's Pure Strength series. Cathe will work these areas thoroughly! Everyone's favorite, the T-bar rows, are first. I really like the way that Cathe uses warm-up sets in this series. Most of the other exercises for the back and the biceps have been done before (lat rows, bicep curls with the barbell, hammer curls, concentration curls--like these!). I also like that Cathe included dumbbell shrugs for the trapezius. So many other videos leave these out (offhand, the only other videos I can remember that include these are Firm vols. 3 & 6, and then not nearly as many). The ab work in this tape is great--I think it's tougher and more interesting than the ab work in the legs tape. I like the spinal erector work at the end, too! Overall, I think I prefer the chest, shoulders & triceps tape a little more, but that's only because in this tape, Cathe uses more standard exercises. This is still a great tape--a great complement to the other upper body tape in this series, and to the leg tape as well! Great for the intermediate (using ligher weight) to advanced exerciser!

Instructor Comments:
Probably the best all-around instructor on video. Cuing is crystal-clear, non-intimidating approach, and friendly yet not sappy. Cathe sure knows her audience!

Kristin Aziz
