
Cathe Friedrich
Year Released: 1996

Categories: Step Aerobics

Power Max is an awesome workout. I think it's my favorite Cathe cardio workout. I have it once a week in my rotation and i've been doing it on just the step platform because of various "injuries".

Instructor Comments:
Cathe Rocks!! She is so knowledgeable and has such a friendly approachable demeanor. I especially like her explanations about why she doesn't break things down - she is one of the few instructors who have thought ahead that people will be doing her tapes over and over again. I also like her manner in talking to the viewer ... she is helpful without being condescending or "cheer-leadery". It had been a while since I did a Cathe workout (Pregnancy and postpartum derailed me), and I felt like I was seeing an old friend again.

