
Cathe Friedrich
Year Released: 1996

Categories: Step Aerobics

This is definitely a great tape! I liked Step Jam quite a bit, but think Power Max may be even better simply because it's more intense. It's great to different moves, like the 1-2-3 turn step and the scissors. I've done this video three times and the third time was the first time I actually got all the way through it. I suspect this is one of those videos that you like more and more as you contintue to do it. Having said that, though, I will say that I hav some concerns about safety . Specifically, Cathe was yelling, "Faster, faster!" so many times I began wondering exactly how fast we were going, and I clocked one section at 134 BPM. Considering the very highest recommendations for step speed only go up to 128, even for advanced steppers, I'm concerned it may be a little too fast. Keep in mind I probably wouldn't have even thought of this except that I am an instructor myself. But as much as I love the workout, between all the power moves and the fast speed, I'm concerned that doing this tape very often could have long-terms effects on one's knees and feet. Don't get me wrong, this is a superb tape and I will continue to do it many, many times. But I will be sure to space it with other things so I'm never doing it 2-3 times a week.

Jen Blaske
