Maximum Intensity Strength

Cathe Friedrich
Year Released: 1998

Categories: Total Body Workouts

Maximum Intensity Strength is an all-strength exercise video. While not designed as a cardio workout, it becomes so anyway because of the sheer intensity of the weight work.

As a fitness professional myself of some 20+ years, and having taught advanced cardio and strength-training boot camps myself, I find Cathe's videos exceptional in that you cannot find a tougher workout anywhere.

This video begins with a tough step aerobics warmup. From there, each body part has its own portion of the video, beginning with legs and buttocks, chest, back, biceps, triceps, shoulders, abs, stretches.

Totally comprehensive in scope for strength-work, I'd have liked a tad more hamstring work than was there, but that's a minor flaw in an otherwise flawless strength tape.

MIS is a major muscle workout, to be done no more than 3x weekly, maximum. Cathe's other videos, all advanced, are the perfect rounding out of a total fitness program, with the possible exception of a Yoga/Meditation video, which she does not tackle - and shouldn't.

In short, this professional has waited quite a few decades for Cathe Friedrich to grow into the stunningly superb instructor she now is. For those people who are stuck with "celebrity" videos, I'd strongly recommend trying Cathe Friedrich's videos, and growing into them.

Instructor Comments:
Now the Reigning Queen of Advanced Exercise Videos, I consider Cathe Friedrich to be the best there is, and I've seen them all. While many home-exercisers may not be familiar with her videos because they're not highly-publicized nor available in video stores (yet), she truly has no equal in her professionalism, consideration for safety, flawless cueing, and kick-tush workouts.

Meriam Matthews
