Maximum Intensity Strength

Cathe Friedrich
Year Released: 1998

Categories: Total Body Workouts

This is a serious workout-but alot of fun!!

After I tried MIS a second time I felt energized and can't wait to use the video again. I'm going to try to use it at least 2 times a week, with about 2 to 3 days in between. This video is that intense! Believe me, you are going to need the rest. I was sore for three days afterwards and I've been exercising for 5 years.

Finally, when using this video please listen to your body. Your heart rate can get pretty high-especially during the lower body section. If the weight is too heavy-drop down. again, Cathe has turned out an excellent production!!!!

Instructor Comments:
Again, wonderful instruction from an exciting, let's get to it instructor. She encourages you to listen to YOUR body.

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