Maximum Intensity Cardio

Cathe Friedrich
Year Released: 1998

Categories: Step Aerobics

This video is like eating an entire cheesecake or a entire can of whipped cream--it's great at first, but quickly becomes too much for me. I really, really respect those of you on this site who can finish this entire workout! It is one butt-kicker of a cardio workout. It has become my personal goal to get through this entire workout without dying!

The high/low portion is boring, but effective in getting to target heart rate. The step portion is more fun, with easy to learn step moves, but lord, I'm dead after the high/low part comes to a resounding end. However, something inside of me keeps me going until after the "Love Roller Coaster" portion. Then I'm pretty much over the edge! I consider myself an intermediate to advanced exerciser, and after not being able to get all the way through this workout, I was humbled to say the least!

The music is fun and that is probably what keeps me able to get as far as I do, the set and wardrobe are boring, but the cast is great. I really like the cast members a lot. They are super fit and seem to be having a lot of fun.

The blonde really needs more support bra-wise. It is a wonder she doesn't give herself a black eye the way her breasts bounce during the intense moves. I can't imagine Anna Benson letting one of her exercisers looking like that on film.

I like Maximum Intensity Strength more than this video because without some type of weight training, I just feel "cheated." Although I am wiped out before this tape finishes, I nevertheless feel that I've not really worked out. I guess that's my Firm orientation showing through.

Grade for this Video: B

Instructor Comments:
Although I like Cathe much better in Maximum Intensity Strength, I find her cueing superior and her choreography in this video fun and easy to learn.

Amy Steppe
