Cross Train Express: Power Circuit

Cathe Friedrich
Year Released: 2000

Categories: Circuit Training (cardio and weights)

The cardio is a lot of stepping alternating with lower body work using weights. I didn't break these down, but they are tough! Because of the intense lower body work, I wouldn't do this one within 48 hours of Leaner Legs! Give those legs a break...they'll thank you for it!

You work your back in this part of CTX: overhand rows, underhand rows, and 1-arm rows in a (I believe) down pyramid...Cathe starts with a 20# dumbell for 8 reps, then a 15# dumbell for 12 reps, then 10# dumbell for 16 reps. She follows all this with plank work for the lower back core and some exercises that remind me of what a physical therapist would recommend: lying on your belly, raising alternate arm and leg. Again, Cathe stresses good form and protecting your lower back.

Then it's on to the abs. While I didn't break these down in this series, they are all excellent and tough. The main thing I've noticed with Cathe's ab work in CTX, is that she keeps you going, with no rests in between exercises.

Instructor Comments:
Cathe seems to be having too much fun in this series, but her enthusiasm is contagious. And the cardio and weight segments are mercifully short, so I don't mind her. Cathe's cuing in the cardio is good, making them easy to catch onto. Also, she includes a lot of form pointers, still teaching maybe a lot like Pure Strength.

Lydia Jasper
