Cross Train Express: Kickbox

Cathe Friedrich
Year Released: 2000

Categories: Boxing/Kickboxing/Martial Arts

The Warm-Up 9 minutes. She takes you through steps, side to side, easy scoots, alternating with jabs, uppercuts, and marches. then 3 marches and a kick combos,and easy side kicks.. the moves are all simple enough.. the kicks are still low here...

The Workout Boxer shuffles (jumping side to side) jabs w/ shuffles, a lot of repetition., cross punches, aftern 2.30 min alternate forward and back kicks...(high!) about 25 combos each leg...

Then we do maginary jumprope, alternating feet, then together then side to side together, jumps into lunges... double hops... a lot of repetition for each move... then all again...

Knee lifts, then a knee, kick, side kick, cross punch combos.. then same combo other side of body...

After 15 min, jab punch, and side punch (concentrating on upper body only), just to give you an idea: first 8 reps per side then 16 reps then 4 reps, then alternating punches.. then alternating upper cuts..

Weightwork Cathe uses a 25 lb barbell

biceps curls...2 entire sets 8 lower 8 upper
biceps curls...this time with hand weights alternating
rotation curl...alternating hands 2 sets
concentration curls... one hand then other...w/ leg behind arm

abwork: hold in plank position arms extended bring knee in if possible.. 1 total minute per leg..
reverse plank position approx 25 seconds per leg..
roll up crunches.. 3 only
then regular crunches..

Summary Beginners will have no trouble following this workout - the amount of repetition assures that. Intermediate and Advanced will get out of it as much as they put in... and how hard they punch or kick....

Instructor Comments:
If you don't know Cathe, you should! She has Gym style weight tapes, and/or she has step tapes but she also has a few cardio tapes and kickbox that are worth checking out.
The Crosstrainers gives you a taste of each in small increments. She is an excellent instructor and cues well.

