Cross Train Express: Kickbox

Cathe Friedrich
Year Released: 2000

Categories: Boxing/Kickboxing/Martial Arts

This is a nice, no-frills, compact workout that leaves me feeling like a got a pretty well-rounded workout. The kickbox section (about 30 minutes including the warmup) starts with impact moves and finishes with arm drills. It's fun and it's also a good workout, but Cathe seems to find it much harder than I do. I would rank it high-intermediate in intensity compared to other kickboxing tapes, but Cathe groans and wails throughout like it's killer. I wonder if maybe she shot some other videos that day and was worn out? Her class members don't seem to find it overly difficult, either. There is one section that *is* killer, though, and that's the plyometric lunges. Whew! After you're done with the cardio, you move into about 10 minutes of biceps work. It's very good and thorough, but it doesn't leave me as "pumped" as the biceps section of Cathe's Maximum Intensity Strength. Finally, there is some agonizing plank work at the end. I really like this part, too, and I admire all these women for having the strength to be able to complete it without resting! Grade A.

Annie S.
