Lower Body Solution

Jane Fonda
Year Released: 1991

Categories: Floor Aerobics/Hi-Lo/Dance , Lower Body Strength

This is the only Jane Fonda aerobic workout I've ever liked. Jane only teaches the toning section, and she's good at cuing and instructing on proper form. The three instructors who lead the step segment are enthusiastic and good at introducing new steps.

The step segment has great, motivating music, and the choreography is pretty good, if somewhat "easy." The intensity level is intermediate. It can also be beginner-intensity by not using a step. Some of the participants in the video do it without a step.

The toning section is lower body -- hips, thighs, buns, and abs. The hip and thigh section is really good, as long as you make sure your weights are heavy enough. The buns/hamstring exercises are too short to be of any value, even if you use 10 pounds. The abs exercises are pretty good, too.

I'm torn between rating this as an A or a B. It's definitely an A for beginners and B for advanced. For intermediate, I guess it would be an A- or a B+, huh?

Annie S.
