Complete Workout

Jane Fonda
Year Released: 1989

Categories: Floor Aerobics/Hi-Lo/Dance , Total Body Workouts

The video is definitely one of her best. The weight training for the upper and lower body are great for toning and shaping, the interval training aerobics are great, and the instructors Jane leads the aerobics with are a bit over the top on the level of enthusiasm, but they do demonstrate the moves simply or more intense depending on who you follow. A definite + for those looking for a "complete workout".

Instructor Comments:
Jane is very good with making sure exercises are done properly rather than flat out getting done. Her demonstrations and having half the class do a lighter workout and half doing a more harder class is good for an exerciser to learn from. She does well in the aerobics with having Laurel and Jeanne co-lead it. She pulls off a great workout!

Michael B.
