The Firm: Volume 5: Abs, Hips & Thighs Workout

LaReine Chabut
Year Released: 1991

Categories: Lower Body Strength

This video was by far the worst of The Firm videos. I have Vol's 1,2,3,4,5 & 6, The Hare, The Tortoise, Firm Strength, Firm Cardio, Core Cardio 1, Core Cardio 2, Fat Blaster, 5 day Abs, Upper Body, Lower Body. I can enjoy each of these workouts tremendously. I do not feel like I get any kind of workout using #5. The warm up is a few movements that barely get your body warmed up. The aerobic section is all step and it is only about 10 minutes long. To get a longer aerobic workout you have to rewind your tape and do the same sequence over again. I always thought the beauty of The Firm workouts was the low repetitiveness and the 'non-boring' moves. To me, I don't want to do the same thing I just did for 10 minutes, give me something else please. Also, I had a hard time following her cuing. I never felt like I could do this video without watching and for most of them after years of doing them I can. This one I cannot. I do not recommend this video to anyone who had thought of purchasing it. Save your money.

Instructor Comments:
I did not like this instructor at all. I felt like she was more interested in how she looked than in being fit and healthy. Also, she has poor cuing.

