The Firm: Volume 3: Aerobic Interval Training

Sandahl Bergman
Year Released: 1989

Categories: Circuit Training (cardio and weights)

Vol. 3 was the second FIRM workout I ever purchased, and I still remember being wiped out at the end of this one, wondering if the assault would ever stop. This workout is HARD. Forget what the Cathe-ites say; for the beginning and intermediate exerciser, this one is a killer. The aerobic intervals have me gasping for breath, and the introduction of the tall box added a new assault on my rear. I modified the high impact moves to low impact, and still found my heartrate up there. I'll offer my defense of the FIRM's "sexy" style by saying that's how most workouts were in the 1980s, to differentiate them from more "manly" workouts and to stress that weight training would not make you look like a man. Weight training for women was just getting off the ground in the late 80s, thanks to the FIRMs efforts, and shoudl not be held against them.

Instructor Comments:
Sandahl is a good instuctor and I didn't have any problems following her.

