The Firm: Volume 1: Body Sculpting Basics

Susan Harris
Year Released: 1986

Categories: Circuit Training (cardio and weights)

Why can't I just accept the fact that I don't like the early Firm videos? I've already given away Volumes 2 and 3, but recently bought Vol1 because I needed a change and knew a lot of people liked it. I have to say my favorite thing about the video is Susan Harris. For some reason I really like her; she comes across as very classy. I'm surprised that so many people dislike her voice. I guess that's because I live in the south and hear accents *much* more grating than hers. I can understand why someone else would like this tape, but it's just not my style. A lot of the moves with weights are kind of fast, which to me are uncomfortable at best, unsafe at worst. And everyone already knows how much I dislike all those side leg-lifts! I think I'm going to keep this tape rewinded to the ab section and use that part on my cardio days. That way I won't feel too bad about wasting my money.

Jennifer M. Blaske
