The Firm: Upper Body Split

Tracie Long, Pam Meriwether, Carissa Foster, Taber Bruner
Year Released: 1999

Categories: Upper Body Strength

I got this video because it came highly recommended and got good reviews. I may be in the minority but this video was a bore fest. I fought hard both times I did this video to not fall asleep. Maybe it's the fact that the music rarely changes or maybe it's the instructor. I don't know but I didn't like it and I am thinking of selling it. I have the first Firm upper body parts and it's wonderful! I got great results with it but I hate that there isn't that much bicep work. However I have solved that problem. I will add a bicep tape with it to make a total and complete upper body workout. I am surprised I don't like this tape but I really did get bored and gave up. Stick with the original Firm upper body parts and add your own biceps or a bicep tape and you will be good.

Instructor Comments:
She is nice but she seems to be a bit boring. There was nothing about her that stood out but she does cue great. :)

