The Firm: Tough Tape 2

Tracie Long, Pam Meriwether, Heidi Tanner, Jen Carman, Taber Bruner
Year Released: 1998

Categories: Total Body Workouts

I just finished this video, and after having done it several times, I love it!! I think if you use heavy weights and really really focus on each movement you get the most out of this workout. I know I was sweating like crazy by the last half of the tape. I'll definatly be feeling it tomorrow!! The shoulder sequence kicked my butt! I think this tape is a challenge for intermediate and advanced exercisers, and even good for beginers who can modify most of, if not all of the exercises. I would definatly recomend this tape to anyone looking for a good strength training video.

Instructor Comments:
I think the instructers all did a great job, they were conistent with reminding you about the proper form for each exercise. Some comment that the exercise is tough, which is sort of inspiring because they are pushing themselves too.

