The Firm: Tough Tape 2

Tracie Long, Pam Meriwether, Heidi Tanner, Jen Carman, Taber Bruner
Year Released: 1998

Categories: Total Body Workouts

Well, there is just no getting around it. This tape is weird. From the "Lets lift some weights in the library among the busts of Beethoven" to the "20 Minute Workout" style rear shots to the bobbing microphone it is a tape sui generis. (That would look more effective if I could italicize the "sui generis".) But does this mean I don't like it? Certainly not. I think it is a great strength routine. Perhaps some body parts get worked more than others-- chest only gets a couple of short sets of push ups, while shoulders are worked and worked. But, they do all get worked. And your heart gets worked too as you switch between upper and lower body work with little rest between each set. The best part of this workout is that you get a total body strength workout in 45 minutes.

