The Firm: Crosstrainers - The Tortoise

Susan Harris, Tracie Long
Year Released: 1995

Categories: Circuit Training (cardio and weights)

I love everything about this tape (and it's companion, Hare) but the ballroom dances. I find those to be extremely hokey and they don't do much to raise my heartrate. So what I did is bought Firm Tough Tape and Firm Sculpted Buns, Hips and Thighs. This way, you get all the best of Tortoise and Hare without the Ballroom dancing.

Instructor Comments:
Traci Long is one of my all-time favorite instructors. She really knows her stuff and she also helps choreograph the Firm tapes. I know when I am working out with Traci, I will be getting an outstanding and well thought out workout.

Karen Hunter
