The Firm Parts: Tough Cardio Mix

Lisa Kay, Nancy Tucker, Allie Del Rio, Pam Meriwether, Heidi Tanner
Year Released: 2000

Categories: Floor Aerobics/Hi-Lo/Dance

Let me brake the tape down for you...warm up 3 min (Allie from Fat Blaster)

-First segment of the workout is Nancy Tucker doing a 4-limb dumbell side-step-side curling biceps and stepping onto the 8" box ( i use for if im tired) this part is a good warmup too if i feel like skipping the actual warmup.

-Second part is Heidi Tanner doing some step n' squats from Firm Cardio (aka-Strong Heart). This brings up my heart rate a little faster. Its short and fun.

-3rd part is Nancy Tucker doing a stradle side step with the 8 or 4" step box. This is easy to follow.

-4th part is Lisa Kay doing some steps on the box lifting her knee alternating knee lifts and leg lifts..i really feel this one in my buns!

-5th part is Heidi again (from Firm Cardio) doing some step-ups with calf pumps.

-6th part is Lisa Kay doing a faster box stepping routine with L-steps. This one is repeated so the moves you will get pretty fast if you do this tape enough.

-7th part is Nancy Tucker doing some back lunge dips using your 8 or 4" step while curling biceps, lat rows, and overhead presses, then some front step lunges on the box while doing some delt lifts..this one is more slow and controlled

-8th part is Pam from Firm Strengh (aka-Firm STrong Body) while doing this fun step cha cha' doing delts and bicep curls.

9th part is Allie doing some fun run, jacks and kicks

-10th part is Heidi doing a floor 4-limb with tricep kickbacks and delt lifts

-11th part is Pam (Firm Strengh ) doing some light plyos with leg lifts and rock back hamstring lifts

last part-Lisa Kay with some light step sides with bicep/tricep curls, light squats and leg kicks.

Basically this workout is 38 mintues long (not counting warmup and cooldown) with the first 15 mintues all on the step box and the last 18 with floor 4-limb segments. I enjoy this workout because it goes pretty smoothly and although it isnt very high impact, you can make it high if you use your 10 inch box during the step segments. What i liked about the new Firm Parts is that there was no stopping in between like Tough Aerobics mix and not-so-tough aerobics mix where they have a Firm instructor guiding you in between each workout segment(that really slows down your heartrate ) even though i love those videos as well. I grade this tape an A.

Instructor Comments:
Allie brings in the high get you up there feeling, while Nancy is the one that keeps you patient. Lisa gives you a warm feeling as does the 2 cross trainers Heidi and Pam. They all cued very well.

