Six Minute Waist Trimmer

Denise Austin
Year Released: 1999

Categories: Abs/Core

I love all of Denise's ab videos. I've actually had this one for about a year and use it often.

It contains three six minute workouts that varie in intensity. Your suppose to use each workout for 2 weeks each, or until you work up to the next workout.

The first segment is light. It contains very simple conditioning and strengthening exercises for the abs and the two major back muscles.

The second is moderate, and contains a new set of exercises that create firmer and leaner muscles around your waist.

The third segment is advance and brings it all together. My favorite!

This is great for people who hate ab work, or for beginners.

This video really works. I sure notice a difference!.

Instructor Comments:
I think Denise's ab videos are the best.

