Maximum Body Shaping (aka Maximum Body Sculpting, Aka All-weights)

Tracie Long

Categories: Total Body Workouts

I have done strength videos including Firms, Cathe’s, and others. The Firms are the videos I started with years ago and did exclusively for strength for several years. I do them infrequently now, because I prefer strength tapes without compound movements. I have rather mixed feelings about the Firms. I like some things about them and dislike other things. As another reviewer did, I will break down the like/dislike for this video.

Like : Recently, I acquired this video for a lighter weight day without cardio. For me, this tape served its purpose, a good short, strength/endurance workout. The instruction was good . Form tips were demonstrated throughout.

Dislike: Similar to other Firms, an exercise such as one arm lat rows, bicep curls and leg presses would be done for one arm or leg, and then the other side would be done after several other exercises. I also found it puzzling as to why they put in a short segment with marches, plyo jumps and karate kicks. It was hardly cardio. During that section, I do another weight bearing exercise.

Instructor Comments:
Tracie is a very good instructor. She demonstrates what not to do as well as the correct way to perform exercises.

