Maximum Body Shaping (aka Maximum Body Sculpting, Aka All-weights)

Tracie Long

Categories: Total Body Workouts

This video has been outlined quite thorougly by other reviewers, so I will just add my opinions of this tape. I really enjoy doing this workout--the time sure flies by! This is definitely a tape that you can use the heaviest weights possible for you, since the sets are rather short, and there aren't too many of them. As has been suggested, I do agree that this workout approaches the intensity of the crosstrainers (if you challenge yourself with heavy weights), even though it is 45 minutes long as opposed to an hour. It just has less cardio than previous series (I've found this with the tri-trainer Better Body and Buns as well).

My favorite exercises on this tape are the lunge/dip combo (killer!), the leg presses with taps up on the step and pulses at the bottom), the lat row/bicep curl with cheat, and the ribcage pullover/tricep press combo. The music is great--I like the music in the tri-trainers best out of all the Firms I have (I have about 25 Firms). The tall box climb and the kickboxing moves are so fun! I also like the plyo jumps a lot.

I also really enjoyed the infamous stretch/pelvic floor contractions to the Nutcracker! As Melissa Cooper has said, I don't ever think I'll think the same way about the Nutcracker again!

What I didn't like as much was the table and bridge work--the sets were too short, and I don't feel challenged unless I use weights. I did add 5 lb. ankle weights for table and a 15 lb. set for bridge.

This is a tape that you can definitely use on its own when you are pressed for time and get a good workout. My heartrate stayed in my training zone for about 30 minutes. It's also a good length if you want to add a short cardio tape as well. I often combo it with the TriTrainer Fat Blaster (All Cardio) or one of the Parts cardio tapes. This tape works for me!

Instructor Comments:
Tracie Long is an excellent, no-nonsense instructor. She probably gives more form pointers than all of the other Firm instructors put together. She makes weight training accessible to all levels. Often she will demonstrate improper form so as to show you what *not* to do. Tracie is usually quite serious in her videos. She did manage to smile once or twice in this one.

Kristin Aziz
