The Firm: Sculpted Buns, Hips, Thighs (aka Lie Down & Workout)

Tracie Long
Year Released: 1996

Categories: Lower Body Strength

This workout is all floorwork. Old-fashioned floorwork. And lots more ab work than the title would suggest. Its basically all the floor work and ab work from Tortoise and Hare.
The workout begins with ab work, then she has us do Kegels. I know I need to do Kegels, but doing them in a group setting is just sort of icky, so I skip these. Then its all sorts of leg lifts, glute raises, etc. You do 4 cycles, each beginning with abs. I like this workout for an easy day when I just want to lay on the floor. LOL!! Its a nice, traditional floorwork tape. My only gripe is that in one section she does one side, then we do lots and lots of other stuff before we do the other side. I also wish that if the FIRM was going to make a floorwork parts tape, they would have the sense to include the super-awesome floorwork from Vol 1!!

Instructor Comments:
I think I am the only person on the planet who doesn't love Tracie. Her cuing and form are both excellent, but there is something about her that bugs me. Maybe its the wierd things she does with her mouth, or maybe she reminds me of one of those rich girls from high school. I just can't warm up to her.

Peggy T
