The Firm: Sculpted Buns, Hips, Thighs (aka Lie Down & Workout)

Tracie Long
Year Released: 1996

Categories: Lower Body Strength

I think this video would be good for beginners, intermediates and advanced level exercisers because beginners can use no weights and advanced exercisers can add lots of weight.

I never would have purchased this tape if it hadn't been for an injury. I'm the type of person who will do just about anything to avoid floor work. However, this tape has really opened up new horizons for me. I've found that the work out is short enough and mild enough that I can squeze it in before going to bed. That means I still have plenty of time in the AM for my true love: carido.

I do, however have some problems with the workout. First, with a 2 lb weight, it is not nearly intense enough for me. Especially some of the lying-on-the-side moves where she bends her knees. I have invested in 5 lb ankle weights, though and I'm hoping I'll feel it more as a result of using them.

Also, when I first started using the video, I found I wasn't getting much out of the ab work. It turns out that it was because when I model myself after Tracie on those lower abs, I'm really just swinging my legs around. I still don't understand how she can swing her legs so much and still work her abs. It seems that the momentum of her legs is what's bringing her rear off the ground, not her abs. Perhaps my abs are too weak to do the moves properly. Anyway, my solution is to completely stabalize my legs straight up in the air and raise my rear off the ground with my abs. I also find it difficult to focus on both upper and lower abs at the same time. It seems neither my upper nor lower abs get a good work out if I try to do them both at once. Therefore, I split them up and sometimes focus on lower and somtimes on upper (mostly lower abs since my other videos seem to leave them out).

The nicest thing about this video for me right now, is that none of the moves are contra-indicated for my back injury. Its nice not to have to fast forward over squats and lunges for a change. Its also nice to be able to get a quick lower body work out.

Overall, I think this is a good video, especially if you don't mind using modifications.

Instructor Comments:

Jennine in Baltimore
