The Firm: Sculpted Buns, Hips, Thighs (aka Lie Down & Workout)

Tracie Long
Year Released: 1996

Categories: Lower Body Strength

This tape disappointed me. First of all, it claims to be a 45 minute workout, and while I haven't actually timed it, I'd be surprised if it lasted much longer than 30 minutes. Secondly, I purchased this video looking for a tough leg and bun floor workout, and this one just wasn't tough enough. Yes, the exercises are done much slower (and safer) than in the FIRM's lower body sculpting tape, but there just aren't enough of them. I have to rewind and do each leg section again to get a decent workout. However, while there aren't enough exercises/reps for the legs and buns, there is plenty of ab work. And it's not the most exciting ab work either. I much prefer Keli Roberts' Abs & More or the FIRM's 5-Day Abs.

Darian Stanton
