The Firm: Core Cardio 2

Tamela Hastie, Carissa Foster, Dale Brabham
Year Released: 1999

Categories: Floor Aerobics/Hi-Lo/Dance

I won't get into the details of the workout here since others have done so, but I will say that I really enjoy this workout. I did not find that the weighted warm-up was "dangerous" - the 3lb weights are used for light reps of upper body exercises while the legs are stretching, so I don't see how this could cause injury - it's not like the weights are used to "push" any of the stretches beyond a safe range of motion. I enjoyed this segment. The abs segment is useless, however, and I just do Tae Bo knee-ups instead of lying on the floor - works my abs and warms me up further. The routines can be made quite heart-pumping if you give the plyos your all, and raise the step to 8". I think the hesitation repeater in Carissa's segment is great fun, and Carissa seems to have the best music of the three. All in all, I am really happy with this workout, and will be using it very often!

Instructor Comments:
All of them can't cue their way out of a paper bag! Please give us back Susan Harris and Tracy Long! Tamela has rotten form, and is the most annoying (how many times can you say "this is fun"?) - she can't even punch straight, so why is she cuing the "kickboxing" routines?

