The Firm: Core Cardio 2

Tamela Hastie, Carissa Foster, Dale Brabham
Year Released: 1999

Categories: Floor Aerobics/Hi-Lo/Dance

Of the three new FIRM videos (Core Cardio I and II and "Bust and Buns"), this is my favorite. I give it a B+, and maybe the + is also because it's better than CCI. Like CCI, CCII would have benefited from being longer: adding 5 minutes to the warm-up (rather than going right into stretches WHILE HOLDING WEIGHTS!) and adding on a cooldown routine. Like CCI, this workout goes right from doing cardio with weights to a stretch. However, unlike CCI, where you go directly from cardio to lying on the floor, the stretches in CCII are done while seated, and I didn't feel so rushed doing them.

There are some moves that I think are useless at best (a "hesitation" repeater, where you step one foot off the tall box, then bounce a bit, with weights held above the head, before stepping back up onto the box. I personally prefer moves that I feel are actually benefiting me, and/or are fun, this one is neither) or risky at worst (doing a standing leg abduction move while lifting a weight overhead with the opposite arm, alternating sides. The speed at which this move is done makes it awkward, and it seems a bit risky on the spine.The beginning stretches while holding weights also fit in this category.)

Good points: The music is great! Very upbeat and motivating. Unfortunatly, two of the instructors (Tamela especially) have a tendency to rush the music and are sometimes off the beat. But, thanks to the FIRM's editing, if you follow the music, the instructors usually catch up by the next edit!).

There are a good variety of moves, including some plyometric jumps, which aren't overdone as in CCI. I especially like several of the 4-limbed aerobics moves using the short box--they show what kind of cardio the FIRM can do at it's best!

Would I buy this video by itself for $25+?--no. But, as long as I have it, I think it will become part of my routine, especially if I supplement some of the deficiencies by starting out with a warm-up stretch from another video ("Tough Cardio Mix") and sandwhiching in the cooldown from another workout ("Fat Blaster").

Instructor Comments:

