The Firm: Core Cardio

Tamela Hastie, Carissa Foster, Dale Brabham
Year Released: 1999

Categories: Floor Aerobics/Hi-Lo/Dance

I like this video. I don't mind the high impact moves; I actually kind of like them. The intensity of this workout is advanced, but I found that during the step aerobics and some of the 4 limbed aerobics, my heart rate really dropped. I think this is a good workout for those people who can do and like high impact moves and don't want to deal with lots of dancy choreography. My *major* complaint with this tape, though, has to do with the music and the offbeatedness (OK, I know that's not a word, but humor me. *smile*) of some of the moves. Sometimes, the music and the moves just didn't seem to go together, which made it sort of awkward for me to maintain a consistent groove with the workout. This doesn't totally detract from the quality of the workout, but it definitely doesn't help it, either. I'm also not a big fan of the "cooldown" in this workout, but I work around it. I like the variety in this tape; switching from high impact to step to four limbed aerobics keeps me from getting bored. In fact, the time goes by relatively quickly with this workout. Overall, this is a worthy effort by The Firm.

Instructor Comments:
In my opinion, Carissa is the most enjoyable instructor in this video. She's very energetic. Dale seems sort of robotic and Tamela seems to be overdoing her enthusiasm. All 3 instructors could stand to take some cuing lessons...the cuing isn't horrible in this tape, but it can be sort of aggravating. Overall, they are all adequate instructors, but not the best I've worked out w/.

