Dance Off the Inches: Calorie Burning Party

Juliane Arney
Year Released: 2005

Categories: Floor Aerobics/Hi-Lo/Dance

This dvd is made up of a warm-up, 4 different dances (with 4 segments to each dance), and a cool-down. The segments are taught at Tempo 1, then you step it up to Tempo 2 and really get moving at Tempo 3. The moves are fairly basic, yet varied enough so that I was not bored. I was able to pick up most of the moves fairly well, and got a little better each time I used it. (I have used it 3 times so far). You learn each segment in each dance, then put it all together at the end, before you go on to the next dance. Once you do a dance, you are finished with it.

I really enjoyed this workout, it was a lot of fun and my heart rate got up in my fat-burning zone. It was kind of like an interval workout since you slow down on Tempo 1, and then really pick it up on the other 2 Tempos. The music is instrumental, nothing I recognized but it goes well with the workout. I debated before I got this workout because I didn't care for Juliane's QF Hip Hop workout, but I am very glad I decided to get this one.

Instructor Comments:
Cues very well, very pleasant.

Terri P
