The Firm: Ab Sculpt (BSS1)

Lisa Kay
Year Released: 2002

Categories: Abs/Core

Note: This review was based on just a preview of the tape, I have not done the actual workout yet. I know a lot of people have been curious about this series, so these are my initial impressions.

This video is part of the new Firm Body Sculpting System kit, which includes three videos: Cardio Sculpt, Body Sculpt, and Ab Sculpt, along with a 3-in-1 step called the Fanny Lifter. All three videos have the same 5 cast members, who are introduced as master instructors: Jen Carman, Allie Del Rio, Lisa Kay, Christa Suggs, and Libby Heath. Libby always shows the modifications for beginners.

I have to admit this was the tape I was least excited about. I have never been a big fan of Firm ab work, it always seemed like a series of endless crunches, with varying foot positions. I certainly would never do 30 minutes of it! I accepted the fact that this was just part of the kit and figured I would just trade this one right away. After reading other people’s favorable comments from the live class version of this workout, I decided to look at it with a more open mind.

If you like Firm ab work, you will LOVE this tape. Lisa takes the crunch moves to the next level, adding lots of core work and balancing type moves. Some of it seems Pilates-inspired. If you don't care for Firm ab work, you might want to give this a look.

The theme color for this tape is lavender. The same cast is here, led by Lisa Kay. They finally gave them mats! They appear to be black plain rubber mats, like the "anti-fatigue" mats my dh uses in his workshop. The weights are gone but the Fanny Lifter is still there and mentioned often. No one but Jen smiles during this entire tape, it is tough! Here is the breakdown:

Breathing instructions and warmup (5 minutes) - Lisa sets the tall box in the middle of the mat and gives breathing instructions, which they all practice during various stretches. The proper way is to breathe in through the nose and fill the abs first, then the chest, then the throat. Contract the lower abs to exhale, pulling the abs in toward the spine. She warms up the core through proper breathing with your hands on your abs to feel the proper technique. Seated stretches are followed by standing stretches.

Lower ab work sequence:
Small pelvic lifts (lying down with bent knees and heels on tall box)
Larger pelvic tilts
Reverse crunches lifting heels off box

Upper ab work:
crunches with heels on box
pulsing crunches
crunch variations: bring one knee in and pulse, knee in and straighten

Oblique ab work:
crunch with twist to side, then crunch with knee up to opposite elbow

Separate and just use blue step, heels on box:
crunches with heels up, then hold and do leg pulleys
twisting crunches with leg pulleys
lie down and just do leg pulleys (pull abs in and down)
reassemble box and set aside, lie on mat with bent knees, feet on mat
crunches, lifting body side to side

Lie on side and lift legs as unit (this looks tough!)

Kneel in table position for cat stretches (round back and then release)

Lie on stomach and raise front of body on straight arms (I think this is called the cobra in yoga)

Lie down on stomach and alternate kicking feet towards buttocks (not sure what this does, I'd have to try it)

Internal contractions (I smiled here, it wouldn't be the Firm unless these were included somewhere)

Kneel in table position for more cat stretches, then extend one leg and hold, then knee in and round back.
Extend leg again and extend opposite arm, repeat for both sides (for balance and core)

This is the last tape to review, but in case anyone's curious about the leaflets, the kit came with two:

The Instructor's Secrets to Success has one page blurbs for 10 instructors, listing their fitness history and nutrition and exercise tips. It's a light but fun read.

The 30 day rotation calendar is geared for those new to the Firm. It explains the Firm philosophy on combining weights and aerobics, and general exercise tips. The 30 day rotation calendar is a 4 week getting started program for the tapes in the kit. Week one suggests Cardio Sculpt on M,W,F,with rest on the other days. Week two adds Ab Sculpt (or rest) on T, Th, and Sunday. Week three has M-Ab Sculpt, T-Cardio Sculpt, W-rest, Th-Body Sculpt, F-Ab Sculpt and Body Sculpt, Sa-rest, Su-Cardio Sculpt. Week four is the same as week three.
The rest of the booklet discusses Firm Fuel (diet). They recommend carbs 55%, Protein 25%, Fats 20%, and 2000 calories per day for active women. Suggested menus are included.

Summary: I am very happy with the kit. The tapes were high quality, and though the set changed, the workouts are distinctively the Firm. The step was better than I expected and I will use it. On the other hand, if you loved the old sets and fun music the new "look" might not suit you.

Marie B
