The Firm: Better Buns & Body (aka Better Buns)

Jennifer Peluso, Jen Carman, Taber Bruner
Year Released: 2000

Categories: Lower Body Strength

As an "active" beginner, I suprised myself by being able to get through this video as easily as I can. I've been using weights for several months, so I am not completely new to strength training.

After doing this tape several times, I have learned to make some modifications to keep from being too sore the next day. In fact, without modifications, I would be too sore to do any more weight work for anther week!

Anyway, I eliminate the weights during all of the tall box work and I eliminate the second set of leg dips (?) on the tall box for each leg. (Just fast forward over that section). I also eliminate any ankle weights.

Even though the tape does not spend a lot of time on upper body work, I find it to be enough for me. I just have to be sure to use heavy enough weights. For example, today I used 8 LB dumbells for the bicep curls, and I wished I had used 10.

This tape can also be modified down in other ways. For instance, you could use a lower, box (6 or 8 inches) and you could eliminate weights during squats.

I really enjoy the way the tape puts the ab section first. I do this tape infrequently enough that the abs are still a pleasant surprise every time.

This is the kind of tape that an "active" beginner could use while making lots of modifications and then grow into it without modifications.

