The Firm: Better Buns & Body (aka Better Buns)

Jennifer Peluso, Jen Carman, Taber Bruner
Year Released: 2000

Categories: Lower Body Strength

Despite the peculiararities of the instructors, I love this tape. At first I was disappointed that the Firm doesn't seem to be releasing any more hour long workouts, but now I'm enjoying the shorter videos. In Better Body and Buns the lower body exercises are very challenging and very aerobic. There's just enough upper body to keep you from feeling slighted. The only thing about the routine that bothers me is after the first two sets of leg press on the right leg you do a set of pliometric jumps, following upper body work you do more jumps, squats, lunges and dips on the left, fast squats, and lunges and dips on the right. By the time you get to the left leg press you're thoroughly exhausted and may not be able to complete both sets or do them with the same good form you did on the right. Otherwise, I think this workout will be one of my favorites for a long time.

Instructor Comments:
Is it just me, or does it seem like Taber Bruner and especially Jennifer Peluso were let loose from a mental institution? The tones in both their voices and those sincere looks make me laugh every time. As for Jennifer Carman she sounds like she's from Mars. With that smile glued on her face and the way she gives cues, it's enough to make me wretch all over my tall step. Good thing the quality of the workout makes up for these three.

Lena Yester
