The Firm: Better Buns & Body (aka Better Buns)

Jennifer Peluso, Jen Carman, Taber Bruner
Year Released: 2000

Categories: Lower Body Strength

3 min. warmup; 22 min. interval training; 6 min. floorwork; 7 min. pushups/abs; and 7 min. stretch. I like this video for it's emphasis on the lower body, and for not being hard on the knees. Although there are a lot of squats, a two-by-four is used to elevate the heels, which makes it easier on my knees while working my glutes to the max. The ab work is done in the very beginning, which I thought unusual, but nice for a change - there's an emphasis on breath control here (breathing in through the nose for two counts and out through the mouth while the abs are contracted). The aerobics include plyometric jumps, tall box climbing and step downs, as well as squats. There's also floorwork (6 minutes) with 5-lb ankle weights. I think this video is easier than Standing Legs, only because the variety of moves didn't make my knees sore. There is also some upper body work, using heavy dumbbells to work the shoulders, biceps, and triceps, which makes this video a full-body workout (as emphasized in the beginning title sequence).

Instructor Comments:
All three are easy to follow and have great form. Peluso is a little annoying for some reason - I think it's her breathy voice. My fave was Carman - she seems the most enthusiastic and is in great shape.

