The Firm: Bust & Butt

Tamela Hastie, Carissa Foster, Dale Brabham
Year Released: 1999

Categories: Circuit Training (cardio and weights)

Bust and Butt is a solid total-body FIRM workout. It seems to move at a faster pace than recent FIRMS. For example, Tamela does a lunge segment that is paced about the same tempo as lunges in FIRM Volume 2. (much faster than the FIRM Crosstrainers). Also, I can't figure out why they decided to omit leg presses from the workout. I really missed them! This workout starts off with a ton of pushups. Many of them are done with your hands on the FIRM box. I found this modification to be very uncomfortable, so I just did the pushups on the floor instead. The ab work in Bust and Butt is average. I ususally like to tack some extra abs on to the end of the workout.

The exercises in Bust and Butt were nicely varied. I really felt like the workout hit every major muscle group. The music has really grown on me since the first time I did the workout. It's a lot like the music in the Tri-Trainers and FIRM Basics. It's very creative as far as exercise music goes. (definitely NOT the boring old Club Dynamix loop!). I'm also really glad the FIRM decided to continue with the 45 minute format. I like the shorter length.

Overall I would consider this tape to be very adaptable for various levels of exercisers. A beginner might have a hard time with the intensity, but intermediate and advanced exercisers should be pleased with the workout. I would consider it to be about the same intensity level as Better Body & Buns or Maximum Body Sculpting. Overall, I give this tape a B+!

Instructor Comments:
I liked all three instructors just fine. Tamela Hastie was by far my favorite. She seems so friendly, natural, and down-to-earth. Carissa Foster was a very typical FIRM instructor -- very polished, straight forward and professional. Dale is the most muscular of the three instructors. She was O.K., but wasn't my favorite. Something about her demeanor made her seem very abrupt. Although, I do like her better now than I did when I first got the Blast tapes.

Christine L.
