The Firm: Parts: 5 Day Abs

Susan Harris, Janet Jones-Gretzky, Sandahl Bergman, LaReine Chabut, Jayne Poteet
Year Released: 1998

Categories: Abs/Core

I have been diligently training my abs 5 days a week for nearly three years. With this in mind, you have to believe me when I say these workouts hit all of the muscles-- hard. I've found myself sore after working out with these tapes, which usually rarely happens. My boyfriend says he notices better definition in my abs since I started these tapes about 6 weeks ago.

The time segments are perfect for nearly any fitness schedule. The 5 workouts range between 6-10 minutes in length. I find this to be a big plus, considering the fact that many tapes seem to think we have 15-30 minutes a day to do nothing but abs. Maybe in a perfect world, but in reality , I have to give my cardio and strength work their due as well. Besides this, the workouts are made even more efficient by the fact that the upper body remains engaged even when the exercise focuses on the lower abs. Also, the workouts include minimmal (if any) rest. No doubt, this is one worthwhile set of workouts.

Beginners and advanced exercisers alike will appreciate this video's solid production values. Some of the exercises require the "tall box." Don't waste your money. The end of my coffee table or the seat of a chair works just fine.

Enjoy this tape. It will be one of my favorites for years to come.

Instructor Comments:

The 5 different instructors do a pretty good job of cueing. However, they sometimes come across as fake and annoying when they say things like "takes endurance" (duh--must you remind me?!) and "its tough" (naw, really?). Beginners may feel that they need a few more pointers with regards to form.

Brenda Tavakoli
