The Firm: Jiggle Free Abs (BSS4)

Allie Del Rio
Year Released: 2005

Categories: Abs/Core

Part of the Transfirmer series, this 25 minute workout is all abs! Allie does a wonderful job leading you through innovative and effective ab work, without leaving you feeling frustrated due to inability to perform some of the moves, or so weak you can't move afterwards.

We start with standing ab work to warm up, then use the Transfirmer in the 14 inch position for plank work with your hands on the Transfirmer. There are plenty of form pointers and stretches in between segments.

We then sit on Transfirmer to do more oblique work and then leg pulls in and out - challenging!

The last segment is on the floor without props for lower and upper ab work, but it's definitely not your same old ... same old boring crunches. Allie mixes up the routine with moves I've never seen anywhere else and the overall effect is you have WORKED, but not hurt yourself. I worked up a nice sweat and I expect some DOMS by tomorrow in my abs!

I give this a solid A! I really loved it for it's innovative work, the short stretches in between, and the fact anyone can actually do the moves.


