Sonic Yoga Turbo Flow

Jonathan Fields
Year Released: 2004

Categories: Yoga

There are two options for playing the DVD. You get:

Play or Scene Selection

With Scene Selection you can choose from:

Blaze - Study Flow
Awaken - Standing
Empower - Core/Back
Dissolve - Fwd/hip/ah (?)

There are 5 participants in this class, 4 females and 1 male. You never see Jonathon in this video, he does a voice over. There is music through out the entire workout. I can't remember too much about it right now but I know it was plenty loud enough and I did enjoy it.


The first segment starts out very fast paced. Jonathon tells you that you can add in what he calls 'Yoga Dips" or extra push ups, but there weren't many times I even had enough time to add one in because we were moving so fast. I did find myself a little bit behind when we first started out so I had to pick up the pace.

Sun Salutation Series A - repeated 6 times

Every vinyasa after Series A includes the Chair pose

Sun Salutation Series B - repeated 4 times

Vinyasa into Warrior I, Crescent Lunge - repeat on other side

Vinyasa into Warrior I, Warrior II - repeat on other side

Vinyasa into Crescent Lunge - hands in prayer position - release hands and lean forward with your hands towards the front of the room - finish vinyasa and repeat on other side

Vinyasa into Side Plank - both sides

Vinyasa into Crescent Lunge - both sides

Vinyasa into Warrior I, Warrior II, Reverse Warrior - repeat on other side


Start with a Vinyasa into:
Warrior I
Warrior II
Side Angle Pose
Triangle Pose
Warrior II
Crescent Eagle (legs in Crescent Lunge, arms in eagle pose, slowly release legs into eagle pose, take legs back to crescent eagle, release arms)
Prayer Twist
Warrior III
Standing Split
Reverse Triangle
Standing Forward Bend

Repeat whole sequence on the other side


Start with a Vinyasa into a Seated Position
Boat Pose
Press Up (cross legs, hands on floor and try to lift your body)
Repeat sequence 4 times total

Bridge Pose

Lay on Back - Legs straight up in air - Lower legs 6", place your hands on your thighs, chin to chest and do breath of fire 50 times

Bridge Pose

Leg on Back - Right leg in the air, left leg 3" off the floor, hands to the sides of the body, chin to chest, breath of fire 50 times

Repeat on other side

Bridge Pose or Wheel

Lay on Back - Legs in a wide V position - bring feet together, hands on thighs, chin to chest, breath of fire 50 times

Relax, knees to chest

Grab big toes with two fingers and take legs out in a wide V position for a stretch

Lay on back, legs up in the air, feet flexed and lowered 12", touch palms together and slowly lower hands to the outside of the right knee, bring back to the middle and lower to the outside of left knee, repeat quite a few times.

Relax, knees to chest

Bridge or Wheel


Start out in a seated position, right leg out in front of you, left leg is bent and the foot is touching the right inner thigh, forward fold

Reverse Plank or TableTop position

Repeat forward fold on opposite side

Seated Wide Leg Forward Fold grasping big toes

Wide Leg Reverse Plank

Wide Leg Forward Fold

Double Pigeon - both sides

Corpse Pose

I really enjoyed everything about this workout. Time just flew by.

Instructor Comments:
I think Jonathon has a great personality. He's definitely a cross between Bryan and Baron.

Dawn Henson
