
Sesame Street
Year Released: 1996

Categories: Children and Teens

Collage describes this video for ages two to five years. I would include up to eight years old, as there are older exercisers (up to 10 years old). The focus is on how exercise is good for you and makes you feel good. Monty, the host, is at first reluctant to begin exercising (he says he does not do exercises and does not have time. Elmo and friends convince Monty to try anyway. Songs focus on hopping, jumping, working out in a chair (also includes a wheelchair-bound child), and a song for elbows and knees. Cyndi Lauper also sings "Twister Sisters", a song about twisting. Animated characters include a centipede, and a dancing cat. Monty ends up a very happy exerciser. This is an excellent video for all family members to participate in. Maria now chants "Elmo, Elmo" and dances through some of the video.

Elmo is the motivating influence throughout the video. Monty is the host, and reluctant to engage in any form of exercise. Elmo is very enthusiastic and encouraging. Other Sesame Street characters lead the exercises.

Nancy Webb
